The Three Best Ab Exercises You’re Not Doing

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Me & my dad at the Flex Lewis Classic, June 2014. Everybody wants a nice set of abs.  Whether your idea of the perfect midsection is flat with just a bit of definition or a ripped six-pack, you’ve probably tried every variation of crunch and plank out there.  And you’re probably bored to death of them.  Meeeee too.  Traditional abdominal exercises put …

Slow Progress is Still Progress

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

If there’s one thing I’ve learned during this whole competition thing, it’s the importance of acknowledging how far you’ve come on a regular basis.  You can probably relate to all the days when I looked in the mirror, anxiously looking for a change — more definition in my abs, more “pop” to my delts, bigger glutes….  So silly, yet I …

Punch Fear in the Face

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

So last year I decided to do something crazy.Those who know me well know that I am as shy and introverted as they come, and I avoid the spotlight at all costs.So it makes perfect sense that I would sign up for a figure competition, right?  😉 I never imagined myself doing something of that nature.  I mean, to put on …

Navigating the Temptations of Summer Barbecues

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, mindset, Nutrition

It’s the season of backyard barbecues and get-togethers featuring an abundance of adult beverages and delicious food.  For someone with a goal of fat loss this can feel like a veritable minefield.  Through the years, I have found what works for me and my clients.   The biggest thing I do is to bring my own healthy option, so that I know …

Finding Your Fat Loss Formula

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Despite what the thousands of diet and exercise books on the shelves at Barnes and Noble would lead you to believe, there’s no one right way to lose fat.There’s no magic meal plan or holy grail of workouts that will make the extra pounds just melt right off effortlessly.  And no judgment here — I have been guilty of this kind …

5 Easy Ways to Feel More Comfortable in the Gym

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

It’s common and completely normal to walk into a gym and feel less than confident.  You don’t know where anything is, you are unsure of what to do first, or you feel like everyone’s looking at you and knows you’re a newbie.  Even gym veterans can occasionally feel a bit nervous walking into a new environment — I know I do …

Small Steps, Big Results

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Since a large portion of the country has been experiencing a winter wonderland recently, it’s only appropriate that I share a post on a concept called the “Goal Snowball” for setting and achieving goals.  Alwyn Cosgrove, one of the country’s top trainers and co-author of The New Rules of Lifting series, wrote about the Goal Snowball on his blog: “These are great …

The 5 Habits of People Who Get Results

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Move more, eat less.  Eat whole foods.  Take the stairs.  Just be consistent.  There’s no shortage of advice on fat loss out there.  Seems so simple, right? Do this and you’ll lose weight and get healthier.  Unfortunately, it’s not always that easy.  Life is full of obstacles and detours that can send you into a tailspin if you’re not prepared.  …

Eat Your Veggies!

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

The benefits of consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables are undeniable. They may reduce the risk or cancer and other chronic diseases. They provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and water. They are also naturally low in calories and very filling, which is very helpful when cutting calories. The typical recommendation is 5+ servings of fruits and veggies per …