Strength Workouts.  Let Your Inner Badass Out.

The Better Booty & Sleek Shoulders Workout. 

(Intermediate – Advanced Level)

x 5 sets
A1.  Barbell Hip Thrust x 10 (hold last rep 5-10 seconds)
(warm-up with a lighter weight for the first set and increase a bit on the 2nd set before moving up to your final work weight for the last 3 sets)

x 3 sets each
B1.  Leg Press (Sumo Stance) x 12
(feet wide and low on platform, toes angled out 30-45 degrees.  Make sure to push through the heels for optimal glute engagement)
B2.  Alternate Arm Overhead Press x 10 each

C1.  Single Leg Foot-Elevated Bodyweight Glute Bridge x 20 each
(hold each rep at the top position for 3-5 seconds)
C2.  Lateral Raise x 10

D1.  Bench Kneeling Cable Hip Extension x 20 each
(on all fours on a bench in front of a cable machine.  Working leg is hooked up via an ankle wrap attachment and is mostly straight.  Sweep leg behind you, squeezing glute at top of movement.  Be sure not to hyperextend low back)
D2.  Standing Scaption x 10
(shoulder raise with arms at 30 degree angle in front of you in a “Y” shape, thumbs facing up towards ceiling)