You Can Create Results Without Overhauling Your Life.
What if we focused more on how strong and amazing our bodies are as is, instead of the body parts we’d like to change?
What if we viewed ourselves more compassionately, instead of beating ourselves up for every little perceived mistake and flaw?
Hi, I’m Becky Williams!
As a veteran of the fitness industry for the past 12 years, I’ve talked to hundreds of women who struggle with the same things I did:
• Feelings of shame about their bodies • Feeling guilty when it comes to their eating • Knowing what to do but struggling to actually implement what they know on a consistent basis • Going overboard with exercise and food in the pursuit of results • Putting their sense of worth contingent on their appearance and level of leanness |
Introducing the
Courage to Create
12-Week 1-on-1
Online Coaching Program

Summer 2001, post-hypothyroid diagnosis (size 10)
I’ve been right where you are…
Struggling to change my body while busting my butt in the gym every. single. day.
Feeling like I couldn’t control my cravings and change my eating for the better consistently.
Being soooooo unhappy with the image I saw in the mirror.
Cursing my thick thighs, soft arms, cellulite, and belly pooch.
Hating how I looked in photos, and even avoiding the camera altogether.
Letting my appearance dictate my self-worth.
Then I developed hypothyroidism in college and gained a significant amount of weight seemingly overnight, despite daily soccer training, lifting, running, and a generally active lifestyle.
It wouldn’t budge no matter what I did.
I felt like a failure having to buy jeans in a bigger size because I couldn’t squeeze my hips into my normal size. I felt like everyone was judging me behind my back, because I was always the smaller, fit, athletic one in my family and circle of friends.
Want to know what I did next?
I did what most women do when they’re freaking out about their weight — I added more cardio and weight sessions in the gym, adding a second workout some days. Do more, more, more. And then some more.
Do you think that worked? (spoiler: nope.)
Since then, I’ve learned what DOES work.
● Healthy eating habits that help me maintain my physique and fitness
● Enjoyable, efficient, and effective workouts that make me excited to go to the gym
● A compassionate and empowered mindset and tools that take away the guilt and shame of fat loss, food, and fitness
I’ve discovered a better approach to health and fitness, and it’s helped me weather the storms of life in more ways than one.
I’ve been able to fight through difficult times using fitness as my anchor. I’ve clawed my way up from rock bottom more times than I can count. I’ve been underweight and gaunt due to crippling depression and anxiety and the meds used to treat them, overweight and out-of-shape due to medical issues, and everything in between.
And each time, I’ve gotten back to equilibrium using the tools I share in my coaching program.
I know what it’s like to not recognize the person staring back at me in the mirror everyday.
To flounder emotionally and physically. To struggle with motivation and energy and purpose.
To feel like something had to change because I couldn’t go on living like that anymore.
I needed a more sustainable solution that made me feel good both inside and out.
This led to a lot of introspection work and research.
I discovered that it wasn’t my body necessarily that was holding me back the most — it was my mindset.
How I felt about myself and my body affected everything I did. It affected my habits and behaviors, and thus my results. And no matter what I did or looked like, it would never be enough. Which in my mind meant that I was never good enough.
It was only through developing an effective, enjoyable, sustainable formula of diet and exercise and personal development that I was able to finally make real, lasting changes in my body.
So I’m on a mission to help other women escape that vicious cycle of self-hate and body and food obsession.
I’m sooooo over the quick-fix gimmicks and the unrealistic promises I see everywhere. They don’t work, and they usually use unhealthy and/or unsustainable methods. The 30-day challenges, detoxes, cleanses, “fixes,” long lists of rules and do’s and don’ts.
They just leave us spinning our wheels and getting nowhere fast. Losing and gain back the same 10-20 lbs. over and over. And feeling worse and worse each time. #nothanks
That’s why I designed the Courage to Create 12-week coaching program.
I got sick of seeing all of the all-or-nothing, no-excuses approaches to fat loss. It didn’t work for me, and it probably hasn’t worked very well for you either.
Sooner or later, the hardcore approach gets impossible to continue. It’s an unsustainable solution that doesn’t allow for any flexibility when life throws you curve balls (which is pretty much all the time, right?). And unless you’re a pro fitness competitor or model, you probably don’t have a ton of time or energy to devote to exercising and cooking healthy food.
Here’s the thing:
The hardest person to train is yourself.
Let me do the mental heavy lifting so all you have to do is execute.
Here’s what that looks like:
You wake up in the morning and bounce out of bed, excited to start your day.
You throw on your favorite workout capris and tank top and head to the gym/basement/patio/your chosen place of exercising, plan in hand. You know exactly what to do, how to do it, and why.
You waste no time getting to work and busting out powerful rep after rep. You look in the mirror and feel pride and giddiness at all you’ve accomplished and can’t resist sneaking in a flexed sweaty selfie. (Look at those delts!)
And then you leave the gym/fitness area, secretly enjoying the sweatiness, the pump in your muscles, and the soreness that tells you that you’ve been working hard.
You now enjoy moving your body on the regular and seeing firsthand how it carries over into your daily life.
You feel powerful and strong, with an all-new level of confidence that feels amazing.
You’ve had to buy a new wardrobe because your old pants are hanging off of you and you love showing off your body in form-fitting clothing.
There will never be a better time than right now to invest in yourself. To start pursuing your goals with confidence and proven strategies.
I’ll tailor your training program and nutrition to your goals, lifestyle, fitness level, and any issues or limitations. You’re unique, and your program should be too.
Whatever problems come up, we’ll troubleshoot them together. You’ll have my support at every turn via email and video chat.
You go out of town on business or vacation (when the quarantine restrictions end, of course) ― I provide workouts that keep you on track with your goals with plenty of time and energy for other activities.
You hit a plateau (it happens to everyone!) ― we work together to find a solution to keep making progress.
What Makes Courage to Create Different?
● A focus on habit and behavior change using proven, scientifically-backed methods
● A focus on creativity, self-awareness, and mindset shifts that set you up for success
● A practical and mindful approach to fitness and nutrition
● A customized plan that changes as you change
● A coach in your corner who cares just as much about your success as you do
● No extremes, just sane and simple guidelines that take into account your lifestyle and references
● A curriculum that teaches you the tools to master and continue your progress long after the 12 weeks are up
● A focus on emotional and mental health as much as physical health
Who is Courage to Create For?
Who is it *NOT* For?
• Those who want a quick-fix, gimmicky solution or strict meal plan
• Women who aren’t willing to take massive action to make a change in their lives
• Beginners who have less than 6 months of weightlifting experience or those who struggle with form and technique on the basic movements (working with a personal trainer in person may be your best bet if this is you)
• Someone who tends to hop from program to program, usually after only a few days or weeks, looking for that “magic bullet” that will finally be the answer
• Someone who expects instant results with little effort or change of behavior on their part — this is a long-term process that requires doing the small things consistently day in and day out, as well as some hard work in the gym
• Those who are unwilling to do the deep introspective work required to learn and grow
What Kind of Results Can I Expect After 12 Weeks?
● A growth mindset, which is invaluable in terms of navigating body transformation and life in general
● Tools and tactics to guide you beyond the 12 weeks of coaching
● Greater awareness of your body and metabolism
If you feel like you need support, accountability, and know-how to take your physique, fitness, and mindset to the next level, then this program is for you. This is a game-changing, mindset-elevating opportunity.
I’m looking to work with women who are ready to make a change and change their life.
If that’s you, click the green APPLY HERE button below, which will take you to the short application form. You will be contacted within 24-48 hours to discuss if this is a good fit and to answer any questions.
If you’d like to chat on the phone before applying to see if we’re a good fit, we can do that too. After that, we can get started!
Questions? Email me at becky[at]
Questions? Email me, and I’ll get you squared away: becky[at]