Mondays are a perfect time to talk about mindset. We’re gearing up and ready to take on a new week. It feels like a fresh start, another chance to get things right and do it better, including our health and physiques. Mindset is a key piece of that.
A physical transformation can’t last unless the mind changes as well.
Words are powerful. Especially the ones we say to ourselves.
And our words have a significant impact on how we feel and think, and ultimately what we do. Certain words and phrases mean that we are acting by our own choice and exercising control. Other words and phrases actually undermine our self-belief.
“I don’t” vs. “I can’t”
“I’m going to” vs. “I should”
“I choose not to” vs. “I’m not allowed to”
Even the way we name things can affect how we see them:
practice the piano vs. play the piano
exercise vs. take a Zumba class
diet vs. nutrition
forever, never vs. permanent, long-term
have to quit drinking during the week vs. choose not to drink during the week
Instead of saying, “I have to go to the gym after work today,” say, “I get to go to the gym today.” Because it’s the truth. We are fortunate to not only be able to move our bodies freely, but to be able to afford a gym membership (or equipment at home).
We can see working out as just another bothersome task on our to-do list, or as some much-needed stress-busting time to ourselves amidst our hectic days. We can choose to see it as self-care in the same way we might view a relaxing bath or massage.
Your challenge this week is to notice how you are talking about your new healthy habits. Are you using positive or negative language? Are you using words that take away your power and control, or are you using words that put you in the driver’s seat? Do your words empower you, or make you feel defeated?
As you notice this, change these words and phrases around into a more positive and powerful light. After a while, this will become more automatic and feel more natural. And it will change how you see your fitness journey and yourself, which can only lead to more success (and more happiness with that outcome).
Get your mind right, and the body will follow.