Day 8 of 31 Days of Fat Loss:  Sunโ€™s Out, Guns Out Workout

Becky WilliamsUncategorized


Itโ€™s Day 8 of 31 Days of Fat Loss.  Whoโ€™s ready for another Workout Wednesday? 

Summer means tank top weather, and it feels so good!  ๐Ÿ˜€ 

When it comes to rockinโ€™ that tank top, a strong back and arms are the best accessories! 

Give this upper body workout a shot and let me know what you think!  Want more fun workouts?  Check out my Fast Fit Friday series on Instagram.

x 3 sets each
A1.  Neutral-Grip Lat Pulldown (use the D-handle attachment so palms face in) x 6-8 (go heavy on these)
A2.  Close Grip Push-ups x 8-10

x 3 sets each
B1.  Arnold Press x 10-12
B2.  Band Lat Pulls x 12-15

x 2 sets each
C1.  Cable Overhead Tricep Extension (use rope attachment) x 10-12
C2.  Cable Hammer Curls (use rope attachment) x 10-12

x 1 set
D.  Lateral Raise Dropset
Start with a weight that you can lift 6-7 times with good form.  Do 5 reps, and then pick up the next weight down for 5 reps.  Keep dropping the weight and doing 5 reps until you get to 2.5-5 lbs. and then do as many as you can with good form.