Does eating out stress you out???
I understand. After years of (mostly) healthy eating (thanks to my bodybuilder doctor dad’s teachings and example and my own research, certifications, and experiences with clients), I can go into any restaurant and order something to both satisfy and nourish me, according to my current goals.
But over the past few years, I’ve been working with an integrative doc to deal with my life-long digestive issues (among other things), and I’ve gone on several elimination and therapeutic diets. Each one has made eating out tough — low-histamine, low-FODMAP, keto, anti-inflammatory, gluten-free, dairy-free, etc.
I’m currently on a modified version of the low-FODMAP diet + gluten- and dairy-free, since it seems to be working the best for my digestion, skin, and overall health and well-being. But, damn, it’s tough to navigate eating outside the home.
I’m someone who doesn’t want to appear high-maintenance or like I’m jumping on the GF bandwagon for silly reasons. I get being anxious about tweaking an order to fit diet/goals. Our society and world is not built around health, unfortunately. We might stand out in our pursuit of eating healthy or in accordance with a specific diet, and that can feel uncomfortable.
When everyone else is ordering pizza, beer, and fried goodies and you’re the one choosing the grilled chicken salad, it can make you feel self-conscious and deprived.
But it gets easier with practice, as well as having a few tactics in mind: Plan ahead if you tend to find yourself giving into temptation in the moment. Look at the menu and choose 1-2 options (& Q’s you may need to ask the waiter).
Choose a lean protein (like grilled or roasted chicken, sirloin steak, or grilled or baked fish).
Fill up 1/2 your plate with raw, steamed, or sautéed veggies (you probably don’t need to sweat the oil or butter used to cook them, unless it’s a ridiculous amount). Fruit is a great option too.
Add small (1/4 of the plate or less) of starch, like a baked potato or rice.
Eat to satisfaction, not stuffed. Check in often with your hunger and fullness signals.
If you choose to indulge in alcohol, watch out for sugary mixers and stick with 1-2 drinks total, with a glass of water in between to stay hydrated.
Eating out doesn’t have to be a stressful situation. By following a few simple guidelines, you can enjoy socializing with friends and family outside the home without feeling neurotic and high maintenance.