Do You Have a Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset? What This is and Why it Matters

Becky Williamslifestyle, mindset

I’ve been taking art classes regularly for the past almost 2 years.  Having a degree in art but having put creative pursuits mostly on hold for years left me itching to get back into it.  I picked up knitting several years ago, but painting and drawing have held a special place in my heart, so I quickly signed up for a variety of classes.  And it’s been a blast!


It’s gratifying to see the progress I’ve made with my watercolor and drawing skills over this time.  It didn’t start out so great, though.  I’ve put out some really awful-looking stuff, lol!  


Art is one of those areas where people typically think talent and skill are either there or not, that you’re born with it.  


But any artist, no matter how advanced, will tell you that putting in the time and effort is everything.  And I’ve seen that in my own work. 


This lesson in mindset applies to all areas of our lives, including our health and fitness.  We all have the ability to learn and grow and improve, no matter where we’re starting from.  


It’s easy to look at someone like me and just assume that my healthy lifestyle is easy for me and an innate part of me, rather than something that can be learned and created for yourself over time.  Even someone who hates exercise and vegetables can become someone who moves more and eats more whole foods.


It all comes down to your mindset, that is, the belief and perception of ourselves and the world.  And at its foundation, the growth vs fixed mindset, is a vital component of your success.


Someone with a fixed mindset sees abilities as set in stone and cannot be significantly developed.  They:

avoid challenges

give up easily

think “why bother?”


Someone with a growth mindset knows that abilities can be developed through effort and learning.  They:

Embrace challenges as opportunities to grow

Persist in the face of obstacles and setbacks

Know that mastery comes from effort


This simple but powerful belief drives the necessary actions you must take each day to get to where you want to be.  It’s not always an easy shift to make, but it IS possible.


Are there areas in your life where you have a fixed mindset?  What would it take to make the shift towards a growth mindset?  Can you find clues within the areas of your life where you already have a growth mindset (your job, relationships, hobbies, etc.)?