How to Make Fitness a Doable Habit + 3 Quickie Workouts

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, Strength, Workouts


It’s easy to think that we just don’t have the time or energy to even think about it right now, but that’s kind of a cop-out.  We all have a few minutes each day that we can carve out for the things that recharge us.  

It’s our all-or-nothing thinking that sabotages us.  We think if we don’t have an hour to devote to a workout or access to a gym, then why bother?  (I’m totally guilty of this!  eek!)  All-or-nothing always ends up being nothing.


But if we take the perspective that everything counts, we are more motivated to fit in more exercise and just movement in general (taking the stairs, parking farther away at the store, etc).


And we have to make it a priority and non-negotiable.  Whether that means doing it first thing in the morning (in our pjs if necessary), on our lunch break, or even spread out throughout the day, the time is there.  And working out or going for a walk will actually give us more energy to get everything on our list done.


This is about self-care, taking good care of our bodies because we deserve it.  We deserve to feel good, not rundown and frazzled.


Which is why I want to help a sister out.  😉  Below are 3 super short and simple workouts you can do at home in 12 minutes or less with just 1 or 2 pieces of equipment.  Try to fit in at least 2 or more short workout sessions per week and feel the stress melt away little by little.

3 Quick Workouts For Ya:

Full Body AMRAP x 10-12 minutes:
Dynamic Squats x 10
T-Rotation Push-ups x 10
Bent-Over Rows x 10
* As Many Rounds As Possible (& Pretty!)​ 

Booty Blaster x 4-5 rounds:
Single Leg Hip Thrust x 20 each leg
Seated Band Hip Abduction x 20-30 (band around knees)
Glute Bridge to Leg Curl x 10-20 (with stability ball or gliders/cloth/paper plate)
Split Squat with Pulse x 10 each leg (2-5 pulses at bottom)

* squeeze those glutes!



Serious Shoulder Complex x 5 rounds:
Overhead Press x 5
Arnold Press x 5
Lateral Raise x 5
Bent-Over Delt Fly x 5

* complete each exercise with as little rest as possible between. try to save rest for the bottom of each round.
* don’t set weights down in between exercises. 


Schedule it out ahead of time, and do your best.  Make a plan and make a commitment to it.

You can do it!