Punch Fear in the Face

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

So last year I decided to do something crazy.

Those who know me well know that I am as shy and introverted as they come, and I avoid the spotlight at all costs.

So it makes perfect sense that I would sign up for a figure competition, right?  ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

I never imagined myself doing something of that nature.  I mean, to put on a teeny tiny blinged out bikini and clear Lucite stripper heels and parade around on stageโ€ฆ  Uh, not me.  No way.  Thatโ€™s just crazy talk.

As much as Iโ€™ve avoided being the center of attention, Iโ€™ve always felt compelled to push the limits of my comfort zone.  As an extreme introvert, I like to say that everything is out of my comfort zone.  But I know that staying within the narrow confines of that intangible security blanket limits my growth and keeps me from discovering everything this world has to offer as well as maybe unearthing some hidden talents and hobbies.

It would be all too easy to say no to anything I deem too scary or simply โ€œnot me.โ€  If I followed that line of action, I would have missed out on some really amazing experiences โ€” playing college soccer, studying abroad, becoming a trainer โ€” none of which I could have predicted years ago.
I knew that signing up for a physique competition was the right choice when not only did I feel excited, but I felt crazy ass butterflies in my stomach.  I immediately thought, โ€œWhat the hell am I getting myself into?  What if I look like an idiot?  What will people think?โ€  It was then that I knew that this had the potential to be pretty damn awesome.

Next time you have an opportunity thrown your way, go for it.  Iโ€™m not saying you have to do something as extreme as a fitness competition; it may be something small, like joining a running club or learning how to do yoga.  Donโ€™t let the fear of feeling like an idiot or the security of your own comfort zone hold you back from trying new things.  You never know what youโ€™ll discover about yourself.

When was the last time you thought to yourself, โ€œWhy not?โ€ and jumped in headfirst to some new, crazy (to you) experience?  How did it make you feel?