Driven to Distraction:  Why You’re Not Getting the Results You Want.

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

I have this annoying habit that drives my poor patient husband nuts. When we go shopping — doesn’t matter where: grocery store, mall, Target — I’m quickly distracted by every little new thing I see.  Meanwhile, my hubby is already 10-20 yards away, usually unaware that I’m no longer right behind him.  Doesn’t even matter that we may be crunched for …

How I Finally Learned to Not Give a F*ck About my Cellulite.

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Ever have one of those moments when you’re looking at a photo or video of yourself and you catch something that makes you cringe a little inside? I had one of those moments just the other day when I was editing some short exercise videos for my YouTube channel.  In one, I was doing pull-ups wearing a new pair of …

Eating ALL the Feelingz.

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

The other night I ate my feelings. If you’ve never heard this phrase before, it simply refers to any situation when you’ve eaten something (usually fat-, carb-, and sugar-heavy) purely out of emotion like sadness, disappointment, and anger.  It’s what drives us to dive head-first into a pint of Ben & Jerry’s after a break-up or find solace at the bottom …

36 Things I’ve Learned in 36 Years…  and I’m Not Done Learning.

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Today’s my birthday, the big 3-6.  I am now closer to 40 than 30, which feels significant somehow (and a little scary!).  I have learned so much and grown so much as a person, especially over the past few years.  In brainstorming ideas for future blogs, I started jotting down a few things I’ve gleaned over the years.  One thing led …

Last Minute Fit Gift Guide.  Like, Really Last Minute.

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

There are not many more shopping days left till Christmas — only 6 left according to the electronic holiday countdown sign I pass by every day on my way to the gym.  Gah!  I get hit with a wave of mild panic every time.  I don’t have that many gifts to buy, but the ones that I do have to buy are …

Top 10 Reasons Why Every Woman Should Pick up a Pair of Dumbbells

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, mindset, Strength

Lifting iron is one of those things that transcend the activity itself.  It tends to worm its way into every facet of our lives, infusing us with an inner strength that we didn’t know we possessed.   Many more women are venturing into the male dominated weight room, pursuing aesthetic, performance, and health goals.  These women get it.  You need muscle to reshape your …

Build Muscle and Burn Fat While You Rest

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Rest and recovery is probably the most undervalued aspect of training and fat loss.  Between the breakdown of muscle tissue, the strain on the central nervous system, and the overall stress on the body and mind, rest is the best thing you can do to spur progress.  We all know that muscles are broken down through activity, especially strength training.  …

Be a Real Goal-Getter.

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Are you stuck in a rut with your workouts?  Aimlessly moving from one machine to another?  Spinning your wheels and losing steam on the goals you were so excited about just a few weeks ago?“I want to lose weight for my wedding.”“I’d like to tone up my arms.”“I really need to put some muscle on.”“I just want to get healthier.”If …