How to Eat Out Healthfully Without Stress or Strict Food Rules

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Does eating out stress you out??? I understand. After years of (mostly) healthy eating (thanks to my bodybuilder doctor dad’s teachings and example and my own research, certifications, and experiences with clients), I can go into any restaurant and order something to both satisfy and nourish me, according to my current goals. But over the past few years, I’ve been …

How to Vary Your Workouts Week to Week For Results

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Not every workout should end with you on the floor in a puddle of sweat, completely decimated. While it’s good to occasionally test our limits, doing so every single workout, week after week will eventually lead to injury, overtraining, and compromised recovery. And the older we get, the more we need to heed this advice. At 43, I can’t train …

Last Minute DIY Beauty Gifts

Becky Williamslifestyle, Recommendations, Safer Skincare & Beauty, Uncategorized

  We’re down to the wire for holiday shopping, but there’s still time to get a thoughtful gift for loved ones.  With the ongoing supply chain issues, as well as increased shipping demand, ordering something online may not be in the cards.  Never fear, I’m sharing 13 do-it-yourself beauty recipes for homemade gifts as unique as you are.  🙂   …

Crappy Workouts Are a Good Thing

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Sometimes you’ll have crappy workouts. Maybe you didn’t sleep well, you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, you didn’t eat or drink enough, or you’re just feeling off for whatever reason. That was me recently at physical therapy. I was already feeling out of sorts, for lack of a better description), either anxious or jittery (I really couldn’t tell), a bit tired, …

You Have the Power:  Embracing the Suck.

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Why is it so hard?   We have all thought those words on numerous occasions in all different kinds of contexts.  I know I have.   Whether it’s dieting, exercising, looking for a new job, getting through organic chemistry, or learning to drive, it’s always harder than we think or expect.  Or maybe we knew intellectually it would be difficult, …

New Cardio workout!  Treadmill Interval Blast

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Raise your hand if you like the feeling of accomplishment after a hard sweat sesh.  Sometimes you just gotta sprint the stress out, feel that sweat dripping down your body, and get a little (or a lot) breathless.   Here’s a new treadmill interval workout for your enjoyment.  The great thing is, you can scale the intensity and speed of …

Permission Granted:  Go Ahead and Screw It Up

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Today’s post comes from fit pro turned life coach Stephanie Williamson, creator of the 12-week online program {Eat. Train. Love} YOUniversity.                    *          *          *          *          *          *         …