Two High-Intensity Low-Impact Workouts to Get Results While Saving Time and Your Joints

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, Strength, Workouts


When you’re pressed for time, a full-body workout’s the way to go.  By working your whole body in one session, you’ll get the biggest bang for your training buck via cardiovascular benefits, calorie burn, and strength building stimulus.





Typically, high intensity workouts tend to also be high impact.  But not everyone can tolerate a lot of impact on their joints due to injury, age, or other limiting factors.  If you’re one of those people (and even if you’re not), these two workouts are for you.  The short amount of rest between exercises keeps your heartrate high and gets the workout down quickly.  Make sure to warm-up properly beforehand.


Perform this circuit for 2-4 rounds, depending on your current fitness level.

Glute Bridge x 10-20
Floor Press x 8-12
Romanian Deadlift x 8-12
Bent Over Row x 8-12
Plank x 20-45 seconds


Perform the slider exercises in this circuit for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of rest x 2-4 rounds.

I like Valslides and SKLZ Sliders, although there are a variety of other sliders out there.  You can also use paper plates on carpet or washc Body Saw loths on hard flooring.

Slider Leg Curl x 8-12
Slider Mountain Climbers (elevate hands if necessary) x 10-20 total
Slider Swimmers x 8-12
Marching Glute Bridge x 16-24 total
Body Saw x 6-12 (perform without sliders to make it easier)