Day 16 of 31 Days of Fat Loss:  6 Things I Wish I Had Known [Learn From my Mistakes!] – Guest Post

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Stephanie Williamson, of Inspired Training Today’s post comes from my friend and fellow fit pro, Stephanie Williamson.  Stephanie is the owner of Inspired Training and is on a mission to help other women find strength inside and out along their fitness journey, coupled with a healthy dose of fun. Take it away, Steph! – – – – – – – – …

Day 15 of 31 Days of Fat Loss:  Ready, Set, Go [HIIT it!]

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Hey there!  We’re now 15 days into our 31 Days of Fat Loss series.  And today is Workout Wednesday!  Let’s switch gears this week and focus on a little cardiovascular work.  The kind of sweat session that will give you the biggest bang for your buck, especially in regards to fat loss, is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).  By working …

Day 14 of 31 Days of Fat Loss:   The Best Damn Diet, Period.

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

With all of the information you can find in every corner of the internet and on the shelves of your local bookstore, it seems damn near impossible to figure out where to start with your nutrition.  There are so many options: Flexible Dieting (IIFYM), Clean Eating, Paleo, Veganism, Atkins, Weight Watchers, Keto, Carb Cycling, and so on. They all come …

Day 12 of 31 Days of Fat Loss:  What You See is What You Get [Monitoring Progress For Fat Loss Success]

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

As the popular saying goes, what gets measured gets managed.  And I mentioned a few days ago that habits make up a big portion of our decisions everyday.  We’ve all had those instances when we barely remember the drive into work.  We’re like, How the heck did I get here?  Our minds were on autopilot after doing it so many times.  …

Day 11 of 31 Days of Fat Loss:  Fat Loss Shopping List & Meal Prep Hacks For Busy People Who Hate to Plan Ahead

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Grocery shopping can be so overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to lose weight and jump start a healthy lifestyle.  Sometimes I get sucked in by the thousands of food items available, and end up spending way too much time in the store.  What helps me is shopping with a detailed list with amounts if possible.  I also include the meals I’m making …

Day 10 of 31 Days of Fat Loss:  11 Ways to Completely Screw up Your Fat Loss Journey

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Google “fat loss” and you’ll get bombarded with 58,900,000 results.  Whoa.  There is by no means a shortage of information out there on how to lose weight.  Some good, some bad.  There are literally thousands of ways to transform your body — weightlifting, Crossfit, running, Paleo, carb-cycling, triathlons, walking, If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM), kickboxing, Body Pump….  The list goes …

Day 9 of 31 Days of Fat Loss:  Are You Making This Workout Mistake?

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

It’s Day 9 of July’s 31 Days of Fat Loss.  Let’s talk about one of the most overlooked aspects of a workout, the warm-up.  Be honest.  How many times do you actually warm-up for a training session?  Most people will do a half-hearted 5 minutes on the bike or treadmill, maybe a few static stretches, before launching into their sweat …

Day 8 of 31 Days of Fat Loss:  Sun’s Out, Guns Out Workout

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

It’s Day 8 of 31 Days of Fat Loss.  Who’s ready for another Workout Wednesday?  Summer means tank top weather, and it feels so good!  😀  When it comes to rockin’ that tank top, a strong back and arms are the best accessories!  Give this upper body workout a shot and let me know what you think!  Want more fun …

Day 7 of 31 Days of Fat Loss:  Choose Your Nutritional Battles [And Build With The Big Rocks]

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, Nutrition

Today is Day 7 of 31 Days of Fat Loss.  Tuesdays are set aside for nutrition, which we can all agree is super important for fat loss, muscle gain, and overall health.   Let me ask you a question.  If you were trying to build a stone wall, would you use large stones or would you painstakingly place pebbles and little …