How to Make Exercise Feel Like a Guilty Pleasure

Becky WilliamsCardio, Fat Loss, lifestyle, mindset, Nutrition, Recommendations, Strength, Training Programs, Workouts

Now that we’ve hit September with the official first day of Fall just around the corner, it’s common to take stock of where we are with our life and goals and where we want to be before 2023 arrives. I know I am!

It’s so easy to let the busy days pass us by, one right after another, a blur that leaves us feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and exhausted.

And before we know it, another year has passed us by and we’re no closer to where we want to be and who we want to be.



And that introspection can bring on all kinds of additional stress and negative feelings. Which, let’s face it, doesn’t always bring us closer to our goals and desired behaviors. If you’re like me, it only makes you feel worse and less likely to do what needs to be done.

With that said, I thought I’d share how to make things easier and way more enjoyable. Because that’s what makes things sustainable and more effective over the long haul.

How to Make Exercise Feel Like a Guilty Pleasure:


  • Audio Activation: Create special playlists for your workouts that make you feel pumped up (or relaxed, depending on the type of workout) or listen to podcasts on subjects that you’re interested in (but not work-related!). A few of my fave podcasts: Armchair Expert (especially the Armchair Anonymous episodes — hilarious!), The Best Life Podcast, Vulgar History, Unladylike, and Sounds Like a Cult.
  • Fun Fitness Toys: Try out new fitness equipment to up the novelty factor of tired training sessions, like suspension trainers, sandbags, kettlebells, or mini-bands. Check out Perform Better’s big annual sale until the end of September for great deals. Play It Again Sports can be a treasure trove of affordable equipment as well.
  • Mindset: Attitude is everything. Simply switching your perspective from “I have to work out” to “I get to work out” reminds us that movement is a privilege. My mindset surrounding my workouts completely changed after I went through years of health struggles. Having my health and energy taken away from me for so long reminded me how much weightlifting and running and just being active meant to me as well as the benefits it gave me. While it took a while to get my fitness levels back and I certainly struggled mentally, emotionally, and physically, I’m still grateful everyday that I have the ability to move. Dig deep into your Why and find the emotions that drive you.
  • Cute Workout Clothes: I don’t know about you, but I’m always a little more motivated when I look good. I probably own more leggings and tank tops than any girl has a right to, but wearing clothing that feels good, looks good, and fits well makes a big difference in how I feel. Some of my favorite brands are Athleta, Lululemon, and Oiselle. Check out Poshmark for great deals on gently used clothing.
  • Invest in Yourself: Pay for a coach, a program, etc. When you have skin in the game, you’re more likely to take it seriously and put in the effort, even when it’s hard or boring. You’re also sending yourself the message that you’re worth it and the journey is valuable to you.
  • Temptation Bundling: Combine your workouts with a guilty pleasure, like light, funny, and/or engrossing audio/physical books, trashy magazines, funny movies or tv shows, scrolling Pinterest or Tik Tok, or anything else that you might feel guilty for indulging in otherwise.
  • Create an Experience: Environment matters. For example, lighting candles, dimming the lights, using a nice mat, and putting on some chill music for a relaxing environment for a stretching or yoga session helps get you in the right mood to make the most of the time you spend exercising and helps get you fully immersed in the experience, creating a satisfying flow state (being “in the zone”).
  • Buddy Up: Catch up with a friend while working out. Whether it’s lifting in person or talking on the phone while walking outside, this can not only up the fun factor, but make the time pass more quickly.



When we enjoy how we move, we’re more likely to actually do it consistently — and get the results we want! But we’re not always going to be motivated to exercise or be active all the time, even when it’s something we enjoy. Trust me, I lack motivation on a weekly basis, lol!


So try out one or more of these tactics when you’re running low on workout mojo, and let me know how it goes!