Do You Have a Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset? What This is and Why it Matters

Becky Williamslifestyle, mindset

I’ve been taking art classes regularly for the past almost 2 years.  Having a degree in art but having put creative pursuits mostly on hold for years left me itching to get back into it.  I picked up knitting several years ago, but painting and drawing have held a special place in my heart, so I quickly signed up for …

How to Eat Out Healthfully Without Stress or Strict Food Rules

Becky WilliamsUncategorized

Does eating out stress you out??? I understand. After years of (mostly) healthy eating (thanks to my bodybuilder doctor dad’s teachings and example and my own research, certifications, and experiences with clients), I can go into any restaurant and order something to both satisfy and nourish me, according to my current goals. But over the past few years, I’ve been …

Don’t Wait For Motivation: How to Take Action Everyday

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, mindset, Nutrition, Strength

  Action comes before change.         We often make the mistake of thinking that we need motivation to do something, whether it’s to exercise, meal plan, or some other healthy habit or skill.   Waiting for motivation, the right time, more energy… means you’ll probably never get started, let alone get the results that you want.  Because …

How Often Should You Work Out?

Becky WilliamsCardio, Fat Loss, recovery, Strength, Workouts

  This is one of those questions where the quick answer is “it depends.”  (I know, boooooo.  But hang with me a minute.)   To start, we need to define what exactly a workout is.  This isn’t based on duration or intensity, necessarily, but can be.  A beginner may count a 10-minute walk as a workout, whereas a more experienced …

Core Training 101 + a Workout For Beginners

Becky WilliamsStrength, Workouts

  Between social media (Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Pinterest, etc), blogs, articles, books, fitness magazines, TV, and more, there is an overwhelming amount of information out there on how to exercise and eat.  Literally millions of links to click on.  And this can lead to paralysis by analysis.    I have heard from so many friends, family, clients, and readers …