Do You Have a Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset? What This is and Why it Matters

Becky Williamslifestyle, mindset

I’ve been taking art classes regularly for the past almost 2 years.  Having a degree in art but having put creative pursuits mostly on hold for years left me itching to get back into it.  I picked up knitting several years ago, but painting and drawing have held a special place in my heart, so I quickly signed up for …

Don’t Wait For Motivation: How to Take Action Everyday

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, mindset, Nutrition, Strength

  Action comes before change.         We often make the mistake of thinking that we need motivation to do something, whether it’s to exercise, meal plan, or some other healthy habit or skill.   Waiting for motivation, the right time, more energy… means you’ll probably never get started, let alone get the results that you want.  Because …

12 Pieces of Cute Athleisure to Keep You Cool This Summer

Becky WilliamsGear, lifestyle, Recommendations

  It’s officially summer, and the temps and humidity is only rising.  I live in Texas, where dressing for the weather (and not getting heat exhaustion) is always a challenge.  As a personal trainer, I live in athleisure year-round, but it’s definitely a necessity when you’re sweating buckets.  If it doesn’t wick sweat and feel soft and cool on my …

13 Super Useful Kitchen Gadgets to Make Meal Prep Feel a Thousand Times Easier

Becky Williamslifestyle, Nutrition, Recommendations

    If you’re anything like me, the words “meal prep” instantly make you break out in a cold sweat.  I wish I was one of those people who liked to cook, or even just someone who just buckled down and did the meal prep routine on a regular basis without whining, lol.    But, sigh, that will never be …

5-Minute Skincare Routines For AM & PM

Becky Williamslifestyle, Recommendations, Safer Skincare & Beauty

Skincare is as personal as it gets.  We all have a unique skin type, concerns, time available, and preferences.  We spend a lifetime trying product after product, and our skin keeps changing with the seasons and years in the meantime.  It’s not easy figuring out a skincare routine, and there’s a lot of competition for our beauty product dollars.   …