5 Things You *DON’T* Need to Lose Weight & the One Thing That You Do

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, mindset

The health and fitness industry can be so confusing.   There’s no shortage of workouts, diets, and opinions on how best to lose weight in the fastest manner possible.  From low fat to low carb, Paleo to Veganism, from P90X to CrossFit, kettlebells to interval training, everybody’s got an answer.   It’s so overwhelming, and we can find ourselves oscillating …

8 Common Fat Loss Beliefs That Are Actually Complete  Bullshit (Part 1)

Becky WilliamsCardio, Fat Loss, lifestyle, mindset, Nutrition, Training Programs, Workouts

  I like to tell it like it is with my clients.  I don’t believe in sugar-coating anything, especially if it only keeps someone struggling longer.  And I’m constantly on the search for new information to keep my health and fitness knowledge up to snuff.  I would rather find out that I’m wrong about something and be able to change direction than …

Day 30 of 31 Days of Fat Loss:  How to Stay the Course When the Shit Hits the Fan [Navigating Fat Loss During Stressful Times]

Becky Williamslifestyle, mindset, Nutrition

I don’t mean to brag, but I am quite the pro at moving. Packing up boxes, organizing the details, getting moving quotes, switching utilities, tracking down a place to rent, changing addresses on accounts…  I got that shit down pat. My husband and I just moved here to Austin, TX less than 3 months ago, and we are just now …

Top 10 Reasons Why Every Woman Should Pick up a Pair of Dumbbells

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, mindset, Strength

Lifting iron is one of those things that transcend the activity itself.  It tends to worm its way into every facet of our lives, infusing us with an inner strength that we didn’t know we possessed.   Many more women are venturing into the male dominated weight room, pursuing aesthetic, performance, and health goals.  These women get it.  You need muscle to reshape your …

Navigating the Temptations of Summer Barbecues

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, mindset, Nutrition

It’s the season of backyard barbecues and get-togethers featuring an abundance of adult beverages and delicious food.  For someone with a goal of fat loss this can feel like a veritable minefield.  Through the years, I have found what works for me and my clients.   The biggest thing I do is to bring my own healthy option, so that I know …

Beating Workout Boredom

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, mindset, Workouts

  Let’s face it.  Working out can suck, especially at the beginning of your fitness journey.  Along the way, you’ll grow to enjoy at least some parts of the process of getting fit.  The feeling of accomplishment after a good sweat-fest is second to none.  For those times when exercising feels more like a chore, however, change can do you good.   …