Do You Have a Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset? What This is and Why it Matters

Becky Williamslifestyle, mindset

I’ve been taking art classes regularly for the past almost 2 years.  Having a degree in art but having put creative pursuits mostly on hold for years left me itching to get back into it.  I picked up knitting several years ago, but painting and drawing have held a special place in my heart, so I quickly signed up for …

Don’t Wait For Motivation: How to Take Action Everyday

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, mindset, Nutrition, Strength

  Action comes before change.         We often make the mistake of thinking that we need motivation to do something, whether it’s to exercise, meal plan, or some other healthy habit or skill.   Waiting for motivation, the right time, more energy… means you’ll probably never get started, let alone get the results that you want.  Because …

Is It Time to Rethink Resolutions? How to Actually Be Successful in 2023

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, mindset

New Year’s resolutions have been around seemingly forever.  According to   “New Year’s resolutions have existed since the early 19th century, and perhaps as far back as the late 17th century. Not only were people making resolutions 200 years ago, but they were also breaking them and using them as excuses for bad behavior before the New Year, much like …

There Will Never Be a Perfect Time to Start.

Becky Williamsmindset

There will never be a perfect time to start. Life never really slows down or gets less stressful. There’s always another obstacle, another crisis, another emergency, another obligation. In order to change long-term, we have to figure out how to do it in the midst of everything else going on in our lives. Of course, there are some exceptions, like …

Big Changes Are Overrated. Try This Instead.

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, mindset

Big, sweeping changes are overrated. It doesn’t take a total lifestyle overhaul to get fit, lose weight, or build strength and muscle. And change is hard. It takes more than willpower or discipline or “just try harder” peptalks. It takes a mindset shift and a lot of strategies and tools, as well as awareness of what will actually work for …

How to Make Exercise Feel Like a Guilty Pleasure

Becky WilliamsCardio, Fat Loss, lifestyle, mindset, Nutrition, Recommendations, Strength, Training Programs, Workouts

Now that we’ve hit September with the official first day of Fall just around the corner, it’s common to take stock of where we are with our life and goals and where we want to be before 2023 arrives. I know I am! It’s so easy to let the busy days pass us by, one right after another, a blur …