5 Ways to Actually Become Someone Who Works Out [Motivation For the Rest of Us]

Becky WilliamsGear, lifestyle, mindset, Recommendations

There’s this misconception that fitness is an all-or-nothing pursuit.  We see friends and fitness celebs on social media constantly posting about their workouts and we marvel at their discipline and motivation.   But this is deceiving.  Just last week, I was talking to a friend and he made a comment about me “working out all the time.”  And I’m thinking, …

How to Avoid the Most Common Goal-Setting Mistakes

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, Nutrition, Recommendations, Workouts

The end of the year usually brings with it moments of reflection and introspection.  We think about the things that happened over the course of the year, things that we wanted to accomplish, and take stock of ourselves and our place in life. If you’re anything like me, you tend to feel disappointment over all of the things that you never …

2016 Ultimate Holiday Gift List for Fitness Buffs

Becky Williamsmindset, Recommendations, Workouts

  It’s that time of year again, time to agonize over what to get for our loved ones for Christmas.  I wish more people had wish lists on Amazon.  It’d make things so much easier!  Right???So if you’re like me and struggling to finish up your holiday shopping list, I’ve at least got all your fit friends and family members …

3 Dangerous Words That Threaten Your Success

Becky Williamslifestyle, mindset, Recommendations

 “What the Hell, it’s Friday.”“What the heck, it’s the holidays” “I screwed up my diet, so now I might as well enjoy myself.”   “Aaahhhh…What the eff, it’s my best friend’s birthday.” Do these sound familiar? We’ve all been there.  Throwing caution or common sense to the wind, and giving in to temptation or pleasure.  Instant gratification based on the …

Never Miss Another Workout:  5 Simple Ways to Create Accountability

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, Recommendations, Strength, Workouts

  Any new endeavor requires a shit ton of consistency and hard work, yet we can still struggle with implementation.  We try to build healthy habits to achieve our goals and maintain them for the long-term versus a short-term crash diet.We know what to do, now we need to figure out how to do it. And even though we know how finicky …

No Gym?  No Problem [Building a Home Gym Without Breaking the Bank]: Day 2 of 31 Days of Fat Loss

Becky WilliamsGear, Recommendations, Strength, Uncategorized, Workouts

  It’s Day 2 of 31 Days of Fat Loss, and today we’re talking about getting the tools you need to get the most out of your workouts without having to leave the house.   You may think that the best road to getting the body you want will be to fork over a pretty penny each month for a …