The countdown is on! Who is left on your list to buy for? If you’re anything like me, you may have let time get away from you and still have quite a few names left on your list. Eek! And in my case, I’m feverishly making a few of my gifts but wondering if I have enough time left …
Do Sweat the Small Stuff: How to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind
One of the most common mistakes I see women make with their health and fitness is trying to take on too much at one time, especially when they overindulge and they notice their clothes are getting a little tight. It’s tempting to want to go in the complete opposite direction with our food intake and exercise, to hit the …
Why I Switched to Safer Skincare and Beauty Products
I had never really paid much attention to the ingredients in my personal care products up until fairly recently. What mattered the most to me was finding products that worked for my aging (I’m 39 at the time of this writing), oily, acne-prone skin, not to mention, trying to spend as little as possible. When I started working with my …
Everything in Moderation: Good Advice or a Recipe For Disaster?
Recently I read a post on Instagram by a Keto diet expert about how moderation is dangerous advice. Cue the chorus of followers chiming in with their anectodotal stories of agreement. This immediately raised my hackles, but like anything that makes me feel defensive or resistant, I internally examined why I felt that way. While not exactly enjoyable, I …
2017 Fit Holiday Gift Guide [Part 4: Gifts Over $50]
Here’s the last installment of the B Kinetic Fitness 3rd annual fit holiday gift guide! For those special people that you want to spend a little more on, I’ve got a great list of some of my favorite things over $50. You can also check out the gift guides from 2014 and 2016 for more ideas. Splurge a Little or a Lot …
2017 Fit Holiday Gift Guide [Part 3: Gifts Under $50]
This week I’m featuring a bunch of my favorite health and fitness (and some maybe not-so-much ;-)) things, and today I’m sharing gifts under $50. Tomorrow I’ll post the final installment, gifts over $50, for those special people you want to splurge on a bit. You can also check out the gift guides from 2014 and 2016 for more ideas. (Note: I DO NOT …
2017 Fitness Holiday Gift Guide [Part 2: gifts Under $25]
ItIt This week I’m sharing my 3rd annual fit holiday gift guide with tons of stocking stuffers and gifts under $25, under $50, and over $50 (splurge). Yesterday I shared my list of stocking stuffers for those active peeps on your list, and today it’s all about gifts under $25. Tomorrow I’ll post gifts under $50, and the day after gifts …
2017 Fitness Holiday Gift Guide [Part 1: Stocking Stuffers]
It’s that time of year again! The hustle and bustle of shopping for gifts for all of those special people in our lives. As fun as shopping can be (for some people at least), it can also be stress-inducing. Everyone has those people on their list that are so freakin’ hard to buy for. Maybe they already have everything they could …
Girls Just Wanna Be Strong: 4 Tips For Getting Your First (or More) Pull-up
I’m a big — no, HUUUUUGE — fan of pull-ups. To me, there’s nothing that feels more empowering and badass than being able to hoist my own body weight over a bar. And I know a lot of women would love to experience that for themselves but feel that it’s just a pipe dream. We’ve been told that it’s …
How to Believe in Yourself When it’s Hard
Like anything, venturing out into the unknown, especially when it takes a lot of hard effin’ work every single day to get there, is tough. It’s frustrating. It’s defeating at times. We can develop self-doubt and feel like a failure. Because with any amount of success there will be failures — a lot of ’em. We can take them personally, and …