Is It Time to Rethink Resolutions? How to Actually Be Successful in 2023

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, mindset

New Year’s resolutions have been around seemingly forever.  According to   “New Year’s resolutions have existed since the early 19th century, and perhaps as far back as the late 17th century. Not only were people making resolutions 200 years ago, but they were also breaking them and using them as excuses for bad behavior before the New Year, much like …

Big Changes Are Overrated. Try This Instead.

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, mindset

Big, sweeping changes are overrated. It doesn’t take a total lifestyle overhaul to get fit, lose weight, or build strength and muscle. And change is hard. It takes more than willpower or discipline or “just try harder” peptalks. It takes a mindset shift and a lot of strategies and tools, as well as awareness of what will actually work for …

An Underrated Way to Use Protein Powder — Yum!

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, Nutrition, Recommendations

As a personal trainer and someone who sometimes struggles to get in enough protein each day, I’m always on the lookout for ways to use protein powder in tasty ways.  One underrated method I’ve enjoyed many a time is to mix it in with your favorite yogurt for a yummy protein cheesecake bowl.       Simply mix 1/2 to …

How to Make Exercise Feel Like a Guilty Pleasure

Becky WilliamsCardio, Fat Loss, lifestyle, mindset, Nutrition, Recommendations, Strength, Training Programs, Workouts

Now that we’ve hit September with the official first day of Fall just around the corner, it’s common to take stock of where we are with our life and goals and where we want to be before 2023 arrives. I know I am! It’s so easy to let the busy days pass us by, one right after another, a blur …

Got Burnout? Complete the Stress Cycle to Feel Better Fast

Becky Williamslifestyle, mindset, Recommendations

The past several years have been doozy, amiright??? Between the pandemic, social injustice, politics, inflation, and more, we’re all feeling stressed to the max. And we can feel how it’s taking a toll on our mental and physical health. I’ve been trying to learn everything I can on how to deal with this chronic stress for both myself and my …

Spring Clean Your Skincare

Becky Williamslifestyle, Recommendations, Safer Skincare & Beauty

Skin cycling is a big trend these days, and for good reason.  Our skin’s needs change with the seasons and even day to day.  With the increase in temperature and humidity during springtime, not to mention spending more time outdoors, we need to adjust our skincare routine to keep it protected and looking and feeling good.     Check out …

Ditch the “New Year, New Me” Mindset

Becky WilliamsFat Loss, lifestyle, mindset

  It’s difficult to avoid the “New Year, New Me” messaging that’s so pervasive this time of year.  New Year’s Resolutions are being made, and the multi-billion dollar diet industry is in full swing.   We can’t avoid the WW commercials, the fat burner supplement magazine ads, or the articles online about “finally losing the weight for good.”  All very …